• A Contemplative Journey: Joe Patchett

    Inner Growth Books and Videos

  • $21.92

  • Description

    90 minutes
    When Joseph Patchett speaks about contemplation and St. John of the Cross it is like a breath of fresh air. He is direct and down to earth as he recounts his own remarkable conversion, sparked by a car accident and the writings of an Indian yogi that gave him a taste of mystical experience, and set him on the road to trying to live the contemplative life. And this is something he is still trying to do today as a married man with six children and a normal job, and as a Third Order Carmelite.
    This is an inspiring story and a penetrating commentary on John of the Cross who appears, not as the exponent of some exotic theory, but as a practical guide for those called to the experience of union with God which St. John called infused contemplation.

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