Fat Brain

  • $21.95

  • Description

    There is a state of timelessness where the only thing that matters is solving the Aba-Conundrum in front of you. The joy of vibrant, wooden beads on a shining red abacus... the surprising, "of course!" when realization of the answer presents itself in gliding beads.... the satisfaction of documenting your success with erasable marker. It's all so good. Eyes, hands, and mind - all in flow to find the puzzle's solution. Aba-Conundrums, modeled on use of the traditional Abacus, is a series of math puzzles that will excite, motivate, and intrigue both kids and adults. Inherent in design of this mathematical manipulative - is practice with place value, logical thinking, computation, even investigations with fractions and prime numbers. Aba-Conundrums is one mathematics toy and tool that you won't want to miss! From simple to complex, the 120 Aba-Conundrums puzzle pages are arranged in increasing difficulty. Whether the Aba-Conundrums puzzles are solved solo, with a friend, or in a classroom situation, (reproducible materials included), these math puzzles will be visited and revisited until the mystery of each set of clues is solved.

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