• Freedom Style Yoga with Erich Schiffmann & Friends: An Introduction to Creative Personal Practice

    Filmbaby/CD Baby

  • $5.00

  • Description

    2 DVD set. 2 and a half hours of instruction. This is not an instructional yoga video in the usual sense of the term. It is instructional, however, in the very best sense. What follows is a group of friends doing yoga together, as they really do it. There is no teacher guiding the session, just people doing yoga for real. 
    Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday friends come over and do yoga with me. I'm usually in the room from 5 - 8 p.m. People arrive and leave as fits their schedule. There is no structured format, no rules. It's freeform yoga practice. We often have music playing, but often we don't, and we spontaneously alternate between silent doing and casual talking. It's fun. I enjoy practicing like this. I think you will enjoy what you are about to see. I would recommend that you sit back, watch, and enjoy. Then get down on the floor and join us. The practice or discipline in Freedom Style Yoga involves not deciding in advance what you are supposed to do. Instead, listen inwardly for guidance and give yourself permission to do as you are prompted. 
    Let's do yoga together. Improvise. Have fun. Let yourself be led. This is the real thing. Yogi's doing Yoga.

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