• Godonomics: What the ALMIGHTY says about the almighty dollar

    Emissary Publications

  • $13.99

  • Description

    Godonomics is a fun, engaging, and fact-filled journey into God's wisdom on work and money.
         Throughout Godonomics, Chad Hovind explores God's principles, His teachings, and His directions for living a life of Liberty, Prosperity, and Generosity. Chad presents a Biblical case for free-market enterprise, and offers God's perspective for the economic decisions of an individual, a family, and even a nation.
         Godonomics explains that God wants you to live a life of freedom to serve him, to provide for ourselves, and to bless others. Chad Hovind brings a reasonable voice to both the convinced and unconvinced aboutGod's wisdom on economics as applied to individuals and to nations. His style combines philosophy and humor (think Steve Martin meets Francis Schaeffer or Jerry Lewis meets C.S. Lewis). You'll learn not only about America's history but also the Bible's prescription to secure the future economic health of our nation.
    -David Barton,
    Founder of WallBuilders, Historian, Author, Radio and Television Host, Lecturer

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