• Hovo 650


  • $82.50

  • Description

    Hovo® 650 is an new addition to Infinuvo robot cleaner family.

    It not only have home base, scheduler, virtual blocker and remote control, but also has a large full-length mop accessory with water tank, so you can do both dry and wet mopping effectively. To do wet mopping, just fill water tank reservoir with water or cleaning solution such as Bona® Hardwood Floor Cleaner, etc.

    Hovo 650 eliminates the middle brush, so you do not need to spend time removing hairs and debris from roller brush. Vacuum entry is wider, so hairs and debris can be easily sucked up and collected into dustbin.

    Hovo 650 has advanced dual-filtration design, which uses pre-filter and HEPA filter to catch fine dust and allergens, so the air in your home is fresher. On-board UV light helps to kill bacteria, germs and allergens while vacuuming, so it is a great choice for pet owners and people with allergies.

    When battery is low, it returns to home base for recharging. Users can use scheduler to set up their own cleaning time. When it moves close to an obstacle, it will either avoid impact or slow down, so it will not damage to your furniture. It can go under bed and other hard to reach place to clean dirt, dust and pet hairs. It has cliff sensors to detect stairs, so it will not fall down stairs.

    It works best on hardwood, linoleum and tile floors. It is not recommended for medium/long pile carpet.


    Products trademarked Infinuvo® and Hovo® are sold by authorized dealers. Alfaoutlet is the exclusive authorized retailer of Hovo® 650 on Amazon.


    30-day money back guarantee and 1 year manufacturer warranty for US customers when purchased through authorized retailer.

    Warranty is void when bought from un-authorized sellers.

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