• Meet Thotso, Your Thought Maker (Smart Thot Books)

    Think Social Publishing

  • $8.99

  • Description

    Meet Thotso, Your Thought Maker is a top quality, engaging, 30 page board book all children (and adults!) will love. There are interactive devices on almost every page. The book introduces Thotso the Brain and Thotso's thinking patterns that build a child's resiliency and self-esteem through positive thinking skills. 
    Thotso introduces 3 types of thots, Smiling Thots, the thoughts that make you feel good; BooBoo Thots, the thoughts that hurt and make you feel bad; and Bandage Thots, kind words you can say to yourself to help you feel better, and process BooBoo Thots into Smiling Thots!

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