
  • $4.38

  • Description

    The Breg PT Unloader Strap is a narrow strap that provides concentrated pressure to the patella tendon. Helps relieve anterior knee pain caused by patellar tendonitis, chondromalacia. Ideal for Osgood Schlatter's disease. Strap does not impede circulation or restrict mobility. Strap functions dynamically as knee flexes and extends. Easy to apply and adjust. Latex Free. Available in 6 sizes. Indications The Breg PT Unloader Strap provides relief of patellar tendonitis, chondromalacia and Osgood Schlatter by applying concentrated pressure to the patella tendon. Goals Increase activity. Decrease anti-inflammatory medications. Decrease pain symptoms associated with patella tendonitis. Provide patella compression. Improve endurance.

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