• Profiles in Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Ruben Habito

    Inner Growth Books and Videos

  • $4.50

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    54 minutes.
    Buddhists and Christians around the world have entered into dialogue, and as this dialogue has deepened some of them have taken it within themselves. They have not only studied the beliefs of their dialogue partners, but have gone on voyages of discovery that embrace both Buddhist and Christian spiritual practices.
    In this series of profiles we are going to meet some of these inner explorers, hear their stories, and try to catch a glimpse of how they are bringing these spiritual practices into harmony within themselves.
    Ruben Habito, a native of the Philippines, was one of the first Catholics to have kensho confirmed by a Japanese master, and he went on to complete koan training under Koun Yamada. He holds a doctorate in Buddhist philosophy from Tokyo University, teaches at Southern Methodist University, and directs the Maria Kannon Zen Center in Dallas. Here he discusses his own Zen training and some of the questions at the heart of the Zen-Christian dialogue.

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