• Serola Gel Arc Elbow Brace


  • $8.50

  • Description

    Gel Arc Elbow Brace An innovative & state-of-the-art solution for relief of pain from tennis, golf, bowling, arthritis, strains, and some types of carpal tunnel syndrome. Solution for: Lateral Epicondylitis, Golfer's / Tennis Elbow, and Forearm Pain. Pain occurs when the forearm muscles become tight and pull on their attachment to a bony knob, called the epicondyle, at the elbow; the medical epicondyle for the front of the forearm and the lateral epicondyle for the back of the foream. Activity causes additional pull and continues the pain cycle. Relief is provided by placing a compressive barrier between the muscles and the epicondyle, effectively shifting the pull to the barrier. Taking the stress off the epicondyle helps prevent further injury and pain, and allows for more efficient healing. Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

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