Zero Odor

  • $54.00

  • Description

    12 Bottles - 16 Ounce Zero Odor / CASE PRICE BLOWOUT- FAST SHIPPING Zero Odor, the molecular odor eliminator, received the coveted 2012 Product of the Year Award in the category of Household Cleaning Products at the annual awards ceremony in New York City, NY In 2012. Zero Odor seeks out and bonds with odor molecules of just about every kind, changing them into molecules that can no longer cause odor. Immediately after spraying, Zero Odor leaves behind a "Tracer Scent" that helps you know where Zero Odor has been sprayed. A short time after Zero Odor is sprayed the Tracer Scent will disappear. Patented formulation eliminates odors at the molecular level. Odors disappear from surfaces, fabric, carpets and in the air. Leaves no scent. Non-toxic and non-allergen. Zero Odor is a breakthrough in molecular chemistry. Each molecule of Zero Odor seeks out and bonds with odor molecules of every kind, totally neutralizing them so they never again cause odor. Only Zero Odor does that. Which is why only Zero Odor has been awarded seven patents for its unmatched and uniquely powerful odor elimination capabilities. Thanks for shopping with DealsPlus1

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