• SoapRocks® Garnet™ - 6 oz

    T.S. Pink

  • $15.97

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  • Description

    The Garnet SoapRocket fragrance is: Crimson Cranberry.

    Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion. Metaphysically it is used to enhance sensuality, sexuality and intimacy. It is said that garnet will bring positive thoughts and boost energy. 

    It is an excellent stone for manifestation, and can assist mystically with building one's self-confidence as well as success in one's chosen profession. The Garnet is commonly known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is not as good as it should be, just put three or more garnets on your desk, and improvement should be forthcoming. 

    A garnet gemstone under a pillow is said to prevent bad dreams, as well, wearing the gemstone in jewelry is told to help generate popularity amongst peers, and help alleviate depression; it will also bring constancy to friendships. 

    Garnet is also a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil. It is also often used for gentle spiritual healing. Lore tells that garnet can heal the blood, heart and lungs.

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