• SurThrival Colostrum (4.4 lbs) 2 Kilo

    Europa Sports

  • $294.69

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  • Description

    Colostrum is the "immune milk" produced by all mammals for only the first few hours before and after birth. Supercharged with 97 immune factors and 87 growth factors, Colostrum is nature's "first food". It's adaptogenic properties enhance rejuvenation and regeneration while strengthening the immune system, allowing your body to thrive under any circumstance. With potent anti-aging benefits, and broad spectrum probiotics in their whole food forms - Colostrum delivers youth, health, and vitality! This Colostrum is from organically raised cows and only harvested after the newborn calves get their share. This is true 6 hour Colostrum, verified by a 3rd party.

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