• Vanilla & MANgo Beard Oil 10ml


  • $34.99

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  • Description

    At Apothecary 87 we aim to change the perception of Men's Grooming. We stand for Vintage, Quality, Fun and Masculinity. Our products are made in the UK with MANly Pride, helping men to become the MANliest MAN they want to be.

    The Vanilla & MANgo Beard Oil is possibly the MANliest scent there is. We took a sweet vanilla and paired it with the MANliest fruit around, MANgo, to provide a balanced, sweet yet crisp fragrance. With vanilla also being an antioxidant, it can help protect the body from daily wear and tear which in turn can help your skin and face fuzz stay healthy.

    All the ingredients are the manliest man ingredients and have been used to help look after your manly skin and hair. In particular helping condition dry hair and skin. Whilst rubbing the oil in, will promote healthy man growth, meaning faster, thicker and stronger growing hair. The smells have been mixed to create a manly smelling beard oil meaning that you don't have to worry about smelling like a girl. As we men often have to deal with stressful annoyances, these smells have also been picked because of their ability to relax. On top of all this, we have even added an ingredient known as an aphrodisiac! So, before you bow down and say thank you, you're welcome. Remember, a little goes a long way!

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