• WIRK Linea Standup Workstation NEW

    Stamina Products

  • $279.00

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  • Description

    Do you want to be your own boss? Well, we can't do that for you, that's up to you. Sorry. But, we can help you fight the ill-effects of sitting in your office chair all day long, which include heart disease, high blood pressure, worse mental health, and on and on. The WIRK Linea Standup Workstation allows you to stand up while you work. Or lean. Or Sit. You decide! Which IS kind of like being your own boss, so... you're welcome. The WIRK Linea from Stamina Products has a patented built-in seat. The Linea is fully adjustable to fit your ergonomic work position. You can adjust the work surface height and angle, seat height and angle, and even decide which side you want to put that cat themed coffee mug (don't lie, we've seen it). So, get your WIRK on with the WIRK Linea. Heck, the Linea will even hold your pens for you. It's cool like that.

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