• Traditional Antique Bronze Medallion - 5 Month (not in pricelist)

    Bright Star Press

  • $7.25

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  • Description

    Mark your 5 months of sobriety with this special medallion, which will serve as an amulet, warding off the evils of alcohol, a tangible reminder of the milestones reached on the road to recovery. This coin is your symbol of personal change and accomplishment, a powerful reminder of your sobriety. By accepting your limitations, embracing and working the Twelve Steps, and attending meetings regularly, you are learning the behaviors that will help you maintain your hard fought abstinence. 

    Look back on your achievements with satisfaction, and look to today, because today is the only day you must commit to being sober. When you need a reminder of that pledge to yourself, take this token in hand and feel its strength.

    Minted in solid bronze, finished with an antique patina, and displaying the months of sobriety on the obverse, this AA Recovery Medallion is the perfect way to commemorate your current sobriety, and all the sober days ahead, in a physical, easy-to-carry way. The obverse features the words "To Thine Own Self Be True," from Shakespeare's Hamlet (Act 1, scene 3, 78-82), a motto that those striving for sobriety know well. The reverse features the AA Serenity Prayer: the mantra of AA's sobriety 12-step program. It reads as follows:

    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."

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