• A Weekend Near Madison

    Samuel French

  • $3.58

  • Description

    2 males, 3 females.
    Acting Edition published by Samuel French. Publisher's description:
    A hit at Actors Theatre of Louisville and later Off-Broadway, A Weekend Near Madison takes place during a reunion of college friends now in their early thirties. The occasion is the visit of Vanessa, the 'star' of the group and the leader of a lesbian/feminist rock band. Vanessa arrives at the home of an old friend, a psychiatrist, hand in hand with her younger lover who plays in the band. Also on hand are the psychiatrist's wife a novelist suffering from writer's block and his brother, who was once Vanessa's lover and loves her still. In the course of the weekend, Vanessa announces that she and her lover desperately want a child and attempts to persuade her former lover to be the father... 
    "Warm, vital, glowing...full of wise ironies and unsentimental hopes.-Newsweek
    "A new playwright of sharp perceptions, humor, and tender sensibilities."-Christian Science Monitor
    "Appealing characters and fresh from the vine dialogue."- The New York Post

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