• Art of GLobal Thinking (Hardcover)


  • $8.98

  • Description

    Leadership of the future requires you go beyond the numbers. By linking the ancient past with the present and the East with the West, Cyr puts leadership in a global perspective. The Art of Global Thinking shows how the ancient myths from the hunting societies of the West and the planting societies of the East have been transformed to today's corporate boardroom and business practices. The book takes an innovative approach to link the Individual Self from the West and the Civic Self from the East to emotional intelligence, leadership style, and corporate performance. In doing so, the book links our two contrasting but complementary capabilities for logic and intuition, individualism and collectivism, and distinctiveness and harmony. The Art of Global Thinking draws from the insight of mythology, philosophy, religion, and ancient writing and fuses modern research, cultural difference and business know-how to suggest an innovative approach to leadership. It looks at Eastern and Western values not as different, but rather as complementary, and shows how each serves to define and enhance the other.

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