• Broken Escalators - Paperback

    Logion Press / Gospel Publishing House

  • $15.54

  • Description

    “The science of happiness meets the God of happiness.”

    Did you know that circumstantial things like money, good looks, and geography only affect our happiness by about 10 percent? So, what accounts for the other 90 percent? Did you know that people who survive traumatic events often report higher levels of happiness? Ironically, pain is one of the greatest things that could ever happen to us! Did you know that your prayers can actually reveal your “promotability”? Amidst absurd humor, bizarre stats, and hilarious storytelling, Broken Escalators explores 10 counterintuitive myths of promotion and happiness that regularly sucker people into bad jobs, bad moves, and bad relationships. But which myths do you believe? After reading this book, you will never make decisions the same way again.

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