• Bulk Grains of Paradise Seed, Whole, 1 lb. package


  • $35.33

  • Description

    Grains of Paradise Seed is an exotic spice from the Ivory coast of West Africa. Even though the flavor is similar to black pepper, the spice is actually related distantly to cardamom. For those who find the taste of black pepper too sharp or hot, Grains of Paradise Seed is a good substitute. It tastes like a combination of a mild black pepper, ginger, cardamom and coriander. Warm, spicy, a tad bitter, Grains of Paradise Seed has a full delicious taste and a lovely, citrus aroma. The seeds are brownish-black, about 1/8-inch in size, irregularly shaped and grain-like. Crack or grind Grains of Paradise Seed just before use to preserve the subtle hint of citrus. The unique balance of flavors makes Grains of Paradise Seed a perfect ingredient to both sweet and savory dishes. Use wherever you would use cardamom or black pepper. Experiment and try something new. Suggestions for use, substitute Grains of Paradise Seed for black pepper. Use them to compliment grains, beans and most vegetables, especially eggplant. Try them ground into dipping sauces or rubbed on meats and poultry before grilling or roasting. Try them cracked over winter squash basted with melted butter. Add them to lemon juice and butter to spice up baked fish selections, or use in salad vinaigrette's and dressings.

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