• Christian Gentleman's Handbook, First Edition (Paperback)

    Sword of the Lord Publishers

  • $2.38

  • Description

    A Christian gentleman sees his life as a ministry to others. He carries himself for the glory of God and interacts with those around him with the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. His mission is to make those around him be at ease and feel important. The admonition of Philippians 2:3, "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves," is practiced in his life.
    The Christian gentleman is keenly aware of the influence of his life and the example of his person in the furtherance of the Gospel. Incorporating etiquette, manners and chivalry into his life and his public display in polite society will enhance the Christian gentleman's testimony, broaden his influence and increase his effectiveness as an ambassador for Christ.
    This book provides an honest attempt by Dr. George Alquist to encourage men to bring back those expected courtesies which were, not too long ago, common in our society.

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