• Cleavage Contour Cream


  • $40.00

  • Description

    Keeping your skin looking young doesn't just stop at your face. In fact, it's your skin inches below the face that bear a great deal of the brunt of age, environmental stress, and ill care. Your décolleté is often neglected when skin care is concerned but why? Those of us who enjoy wearing lower necklines know that as time goes on the sensitive skin of the neck and chest can become wrinkled, dry, loose, and dull looking.
    You want to keep the skin cells of this are fresh. Although we often cleanse our décolleté, it is important to gently exfoliate. By removing dead, dull skin cells off the surface, we can make room for young cells to take their place, leaving us with a younger, more luminous looking skin. Finally, moisturizers are key to maintaining this area. After cleansing, always follow with a moisturizer (recommended with an SPF) to replenish your skin. You will be amazed how soft and smooth your skin will appear.
    As the name suggests, DERMELECT CLEAVAGE CONTOUR CREAM targets the area of the décolleté that loses elasticity, begins to lack firmness and reveals flaccid skin. Aging, maternity, weight gain and last but not least gravity all take it's toll. Clinically proven Coenzyme Q10 tighteners are utilized for the cleavage area along with essential oils to help rejuvenate the skin's support structure to increase the firmness of the bust. Traditionally found in facial care products, clinically proven Coenzyme Q 10, Avocado Oil and Jojoba Oil helps tone and reduce sagging while supporting the skin's elasticity and texture to help create a better contoured shape.

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