• Dungeon Scroll

    Game Salute/Hit Point Sales

  • $10.00

  • Description

    Welcome to Dungeon Scroll! Your journey into the Dungeon will be both dangerous and perplexing as only those with the quickest wit and largest vocabulary can survive. As sorcerers of the mystical art of Word Weaving, you and several other treasure hunters will travel to the Alphabetic Archipelago, descend into the Tomb of the Forgotten Consonant and quest for the Syllabus of the Lost Syllable. When the journey is complete, whoever has shown the most bravery and intellect will walk away with the win. As you travel through the Dungeon, the group will encounter Challenges that present certain rules that need to be followed. Each player will have one minute to build the best word they can with their hand of Letter Cards. The player whose word has the highest word power, following the rules of the challenge, wins. Players will earn Gold depending on how they rank in the challenge, and whoever has the most gold at the end of the game wins!

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