• Evoc Technical Performance Packs - Hip Pack Race 3L + 1.5lLBladder - Black

    QARV Imports, LLC

  • $100.00

  • Description

    Hip packs are truly a blessing during summer months. Having our backs free to breathe is quite a relief and has certainty taken a load off of our shoulders. We still want a pack that holds enough water, gear, and food without losing the stability to not bounce around on rough terrain. The Evoc Hip Pack Race fits the bill quite nicely, and it's become an office staple for trail rides and shuttles under 3-4 hours. The pack has enough cargo room and compartments to carry supplies needed to handle most trailside repairs and plenty of food and water to prevent the dreaded bonk or dehydration. A bottle holder can carry an extra bottle if needed, though the included 1. 5L bladder will also do its part.

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