• Finding Joe (2011)

    Beyond Words Publishing

  • $13.00

  • Description

    "Finding Joe" will motivate you to be the best [your name here] the world has ever known. It may even change your life. --Examiner.com Upligting, positive, enlightening. --Hollywood Report Card
            Winner 2012 COVR Award, Best Video of the Year . In the early 20th century while studying world mythology, Joseph Campbell discovered a pattern hidden in every story ever told. He called it "the hero's journey." Finding Joe explores how the hero's journey is relevant and essential in today's world. It provides a narrative for how to live a fully realized life or, as Campbell would simply state, how to "follow your bliss." The film takes us on an inspirational quest of self-discovery. As you slay dragons and uncover treasures, you just may find that the holy grail you seek is closer than you think.

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