• Marriage Tips and Traps - Paperback

    University of Florida Extension

  • $10.05

  • Description

    We know from over fifty years of research that a strong marital friendship is the most significant predictor of stable, satisfying, and long-lasting marriage relationships. The central premise of this book is that while couples may become more skilled at communication, conflict resolution, and commitment, they may not necessarily be enhancing their marital friendship.
    The author begins by pointing out some of the major "poisons" that are destroying marital friendships, justifies the importance of marriage as a social institution, describes a model for change and 3 major inhibitors of change, and then introduces ten principles that can most influence the enhancement of our marital friendships. Dr. Harris also addresses eight needs that are pivotal in developing close friendships as a foundation for the ten principles discussed.
    While there are numerous illustrations and pictures for couples to enjoy, there is also ample space to make notes of your own as you read this book together. In addition, at the end of each chapter there is an applied Target Behaviors section which can assist you as couples to focus on and practice the critical skills that can help you improve your marital friendships.

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