• Master Immersion with John Friend

    Anusara Yoga

  • $45.00

  • Description

    In May of 2005, in Denver, Colorado, John Friend presented the first Master Immersion for Anusara Yoga. This 5-day gathering of 250 of the core Anusara Yoga teachers from around the world was the largest Anusara Yoga teacher event to date.
    In this 19-CD audio set of the Master Immersion, John Friend presents an excellent overview of the Anusara Yoga style, including the fundamental Anusara principles for both yoga philosophy and alignment technique.
    The CD set contains John's daily talks on philosophy including Tantric metaphysics and cosmology. Themes covered in the 10 sessions of the Master Immersion include Remembering the Universal, Pulsation, Balanced Action, the 3 A's of Anusara Yoga, Principles of Pranayama, the 5 Elements, Studentship, Progress on the Path of Yoga, Community, and Transitioning.
    In addition, the CD set contains clear instructions of all the Universal Principles of Alignment as taught by John in postural sequences that cover all the poses in the Anusara Yoga Level I Syllabus. The principles presented by John in the Master Immersion are those that any dedicated and sincere student of Anusara Yoga should learn in our Immersions and workshops, and particularly before entering an Anusara Yoga teacher training.

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