• Mo's Bacon Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix

    Vosges Haut Chocolates

  • $3.00

  • Description

    The newest member of the bacon and chocolate family combines the Vosges Bacon Bar with fluffy flapjacks. These buttermilk pancakes are spotted with chunks of Vosges most popular Exotic Candy Bar, which combines applewood smoked bacon and Alder sea salt with deep milk chocolate. Treat your family or weekend guests to these unbelievable pancakes for breakfast OR dinner! Vosges' Bacon Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix makes a perfect hostess gift for a weekend retreat. 

    Pancake mix and Mo's Bacon Bar chocolate chunks. Each batch yields approximately 8, 5-inch pancakes. 2 batches per container. Yields 16 pancakes. Requires one egg and 1.5 cups buttermilk per batch.

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