• Organic Raw Macadamia Nuts

    Green Bulk

  • $6.00

  • Description

    100% Truly Raw Organic Macadamia Nuts. A great smooth taste from the republic of Hawaii, Big Island. We get these shipped direct from the farm in to us. Macadamia nuts have the highest amount of monounsaturated fat which is great for the heart. They also are a good source of thiamine to help keep your nervous system running smoothly.
    Natural Zing always stores our nuts under refrigeration until shipped so you will get the freshest nuts and seeds available (direct from the farm). Refrigerating your nuts keeps them fresher longer.
    These nuts are cracked while green and then low temp dehydrated below 105F to preserve the nut.
    Packaged in a dairy-free, peanut-free, gluten-free, vegan facility.
    Net wt.: 16oz (1 lb)

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