• Round Up

    Family Pastimes

  • $3.75

  • Description

    The horses have been running wild on the range! Our job is to round up as many as we can and bring them back to the ranch corral. Maybe some are in the box canyons. Maybe some are grazing along the trail. As we ride out, we'll have to get some lassoes and binoculars and watch out for falling rocks! They can block up a trail and leave a beautiful horse trapped. We will have to work together as a team, sharing our equipment and talking over our ideas. Because of the random setup, each game is a new adventure - maybe this is why parents enjoy it too. Happy Trails, pardners, and have a good Round-up! Includes: 12 x 12" board, rocks, lassoes, wild horses, binoculars.

    Our customers say: "Our favourite! I really like the concept of doing only one thing per turn so players really have to cooperate and help each other." - Ottawa, Canada

    Play as friends, not as enemies! Family Pastimes games foster the spirit of cooperation. Players help each other climb a mountain, make a community, complete a space exploration... They never play against each other. After all, the initial impulse to play a game is social; that is, we bring out a game because we want to do something together. How ironic then that in most games, we spend all our efforts trying to bankrupt someone, destroy their armies - in other words, to get rid of one another!

    At Family Pastimes we believe that people of different ages and abilities should be able to play side by side, each making their best contribution. We are all there together when we finish the game to take joy in our successes and wonder how we might work together even better the next time we play. Thus, Family Pastimes games will prove to be a friendly form of fun. Socialization, entertainment, academic learning, character growth, etc. - whatever your objectives, we invite you to realize them by cooperative means. We hope you enjoy playing and learning together!

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