• Slant Tweezer Midnight Sky


  • $5.50

  • Description

    For over twenty-five years, these award winning tweezers have been the choice of make-up artists, models, celebrities and those who demand the very best.
    Comes with LIFETIME GUARANTEE! sharpen our tools that have become dull through normal use for FREE. 
    Send tool insured in a padded mailer with your name, address and phone number to:
    Tweezerman Service
    2 Tri Harbor Court
    South Dock #1
    Port Washington, NY 11050
     The most respected brand in personal care tools, has been the choice of make-up artists, models and celebrities for over 25 years. Tweezerman is  proud to be the most featured implement line in leading beauty publications and are confident you'll agree Tweezerman is best for brows, best for quality, best for service, best for reliability, and always...best for beauty.

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