• Wave Candle


  • $60.00

  • Description

    "Morning at the beach house. Sun, sparkle, and pure salt air. Drifting fragrance of flowers and seagrass. A moment of fresh squeezed pleasure. 

    APOTHIA's illuminating cream candles are developed from a unique combination of premium paraffin and soy, blended with intense fragrance into a creamy luxurious balm of solid perfume - rub it into your skin! Named Interior Fragrance of the Year, APOTHIA's award-winning candles take the senses into visions of life at its best.


    The Silver Bead creates interest, sparks conversation and reminds you when to trim the wick!

    APOTHIA's patented Halo allows you to move a burning hot candle without feeling the heat!

    It won't slip out of your fingers, and emits a gorgeous, "halo-like" effect."

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