• Za’atar, 65g

    Canaan Fair Trade

  • $15.60

  • Description

    Za'atar is the signature spice blend of Palestine! Thyme is wild collected from the hills near Jenin, then dried and blended with roasted sesame seeds, ground sumac, and a touch of sea-salt by women-owned cooperatives. This herb will add lots of flavour on your tomatoes, meat, fish, eggs, or labne cheese. Olive oil, za'atar and fresh-baked bread is the daily breakfast in Palestine. 

    A versatile and everyday spice blend, Za'atar is a wonderfully healthy, richly scented and flavorful seasoning that blends the flavors of thyme, oregano, and citric summer into a deliciously strong and aromatic mix of floral, herby notes and rich flavors. Oregano and thyme are farmed by women in small patches, then dried and blended with roasted sesame seeds, ground sumac, and a touch of sea salt using ancient methods.

    Canaan Fair Trade uses the fair trade concept to empower marginalized Palestinian rural communities caught in conflict so they can sustain their livelihoods and culture. To that end, they have built direct working relationships with these communities, paying sustainable prices for their agricultural products to ensure fair wages for labor along the supply chain.

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