• Ananda Vinyasa - Bliss in Motion

    Janet Stone

  • $24.99

  • Description

    Ananda means bliss, and on this journey, we practice awakening to our natural state of conscious bliss in all circumstances, as we begin to see the profound gift of simply being alive. 
    Ananda Vinyasa is all about transitioning away from the never-ending stream of demands, lists and things yet undone. It's about gathering all of the seemingly disparate pieces of our lives and bringing them back to the present moment, one inhale and one exhale at a time. 
    This challenging, intensive sequence focuses on leg strength, core power, building heat, developing arm tone and cultivating flexibility of mind, body and heart. 
    Janet's personal yoga journey began in 1996 when she traveled to India, the birthplace of her grandfather, where she met an inspired yogi and became dedicated to a conscious evolution through yoga. She currently teaches in San Francisco, and at teacher trainings, workshops and retreats around the world.

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