California Road & Recreation Atlas: Landscape Maps, Recreation Guides, Detailed Roads, GPS Grids (Benchmark Maps)
Sterling Publishing
is back-ordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.
This oversized guide places its "recreation maps" of the state on left-hand pages facing diverse listings (with phone numbers)...An index to recreation resources is a state tour in itself. Then come the "Landscape Maps(tm)", so three-dimensional you feel every bump in the road as well as every foothill, mountain and fault; plus more listings and a complete and seemingly infallible index -- San Francisco Chronicle, January 3, 2000
"Landscape MapsÂ", so three-dimensional you feel every bump in the road...more listings and a complete and seemingly infallible index. -- The San Francisco Chronicle, December 14, 1997
Landscape Maps featuring improved landform detail, the addition of hundreds of back roads...useful to anyone who drives the state. -- Bob Masullo, Sacramento Bee, March 31, 2002
The Landscape Maps are what set this publication apart. Legibility is excellent and the maps have a clean appearance. -- Kathy Rankin, Western Association of Map Librarians. March, 1998