• Catholic Truths for Our Children

    Scepter Publishers

  • $2.98

  • Description

    By Marita Bolling, Australia :A wonderful book for parents or grandparents who want to explain the Faith.  I've sold, lent or given away several dozen over the years. Thanks for writing it Patti! Reviewed by  Fr. Keyes: We give this book as a present to the parents of our first communicants, so impressed were we with this book. I just wish the book was in spanish or there was something comparable in Spanish. Reviewed by  Theresa A.Thomas: I love Patti Armstrong's clear style!   Reviewed by Nellie Edwards: This book is the next best thing to a blue print for children! 
           I went from being a secular writing even writing for tabloids and women's magazines, to becoming a Catholic writer. This was my first book after giving my gift of writing back to God. I've been contacted by some former non-Catholics who say this book resulted in their conversions.

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