Conversion: Following the Call of Christ (2006)
Catholic Word / Ascension Press
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"Don't miss hearing Fr. Barron proclaim the call to conversion that is the first word of the Gospel, a word of truth and hope that each of us needs to hear, a message that calls for surrender to Christ." --Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. In his characteristically energetic style, Fr. Barron explains how conversion is not so much a one time event, but a life-long process. "Jesus Christ calls us in thousands of different ways to follow him, as we strive on the path for spiritual excellence," Fr. Barron says. Barron shows the dynamics of conversion as they are displayed in six different Biblical stories. Throughout, he demonstrates how Christ invites us to an ever deeper participation in his life. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraph 1426 says, "This is the struggle of conversion directed toward holiness and eternal life to which the Lord never ceases to call us." In these six presentations, Fr. Barron explores the various dimensions of this conversion, this turning toward Jesus Christ.