• Field Guide to Retriever Drills

    Wilderness Adventures Press

  • $20.94

  • Description

    Field Guide to Retriever Drills: Training Your Retriever At Home, In The Field, And On The Water Benjamin H. Schleider III & Anthony Z. Roettger Chip and Tony both experienced retriever owners and trainers, have written the ultimate retriever drill book. Field Guide to Retriever Drills covers both Indoor and Outdoor Drills. Each drill is fully explained along with a detailed diagram of the drill. The Indoor Drills cover Hup drills Place drills, Here and Leave it drills and Heeling drills along with your basic retrieving drills and pre-gunfire conditioning drills. All of these drills can be done in your home or backyard. The Outdoor Drills cover Obedience, Heeling, Basic and Advanced Quartering Drills, Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Retrieving Drills and Blind Retrieving Drills. There is detailed information on how to set up and execute each drill along with a detailed diagram of each drill. There are 54 total drills in this handy pocket guide that will fit in your shirt pocket. The Field Guide to Retriever Drills is an indispensable guide to working with your Retriever. It will help you make your retriever an outstanding gun dog.

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