Horse Book - Americas Own-A Celebration of America and its Horses
Intrepid International
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Rambo Micklem MultiBridle by Horseware Ireland A NEW Bridle for Unrivaled Comfort! Designed from the inside out to fit the shape of the horse s skull, Horseware s Rambo Micklem MultiBridle is the most comfortable, flexible and effective bridle to hit the market. The Rambo Micklem MultiBridle by Horseware is the first bridle designed based upon the shape of the horse's skull rather than the outside appearance of the head. Not only is the Micklem MultiBridle comfortable and humane but is designed for versatility. It is comprised of three main pieces of equipment in one. A BITTED BRIDLE (including integral noseband) A LUNGE CAVESSON A BIT-FREE BRIDLE (2 alternatives) The Micklem MultiBridle features the unique mouth protection system for the tongue and bars which has proven effective for many horses.