Jennifer Kries' Pilates Plus Method: The Unique Combination of Yoga, Dance, and Pilates
Integral Yoga
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In Jennifer Kries' Pilates Plus Method the fitness expert explores the unique combination of yoga, dance and Pilates, which she argues can lead to increased stamina and serenity. Her workout begins with an understanding of the basics of all three disciplines. She begins with an examination of yoga breathing and breath control, and stresses that working one's way thoughtfully through the program utilizing elements of each form will achieve the goal that rather than an endurance contest it should be a pleasurable experience. Every exercise is listed step-by-step with photos clarifying each, and is accompanied by a boxed "Insight" which tells how to follow the steps and what to imagine to keep the body on track. A section at the back groups exercises helping individual sports and activities. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. Jennifer Kries has spent years teaching and promoting The Method-aside from her private practice, popular video series, and television show, she has appeared on The Rosie O'Donnell Show and the Today show, and in such magazines as Fitness, Family Circle, and Total Health.