Americana Souvenirs

  • $15.38

  • Description

    Artillery played a very important part in the American Revolution. The "6 pounder" field gun hada bronze barrel measuring 4 1/2 in length and a 3.66" bore. The cannons carriage included ammunition boxes on both sides. Weighing over 500 pounds the field cannon was usually transported by horse or oxen. On the battlefield they were maneuvered by cannoneers using drag ropes. The full crew for a field cannon numbered 14 or 15 men. Their range often exceeded 2 000 yards but most field use was restricted to under 500 yards. 

    Any Revolutionary War aficionado would appreciate this miniature cannon which is a smaller version of miniature cannon models. It can serve as a reminder of the conflict that cost so many lives a token of quiet respect for those soldiers and their service. And when somebody remarks about it you can use the opportunity by encouraging them to support Revolutionary War Battlefield preservation! Makes for a great office or showcase item in a display case.

    Minature Revolutionary War Cannon- English 6-Pdr Field Gun.Length: 5.25"Height: 2"Weight: .7 lb Made in the USA.

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