Saw-whet / Screech Owl Hse
Coveside Conservation Products
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Saw-Whet and Screech Owls are just the right size for this owl house. Being much smaller than the barn owl, barred owl and many bird species, the Saw-Whet and Screech Owls find this owl box provides the perfect-sized cavity, complete with wood chips for nesting material. Hand crafted in the USA by Coveside, of Eastern White Pine which provides insulation and durability. Over time the color of the wood will age to blend in more naturally with the environment. Habitat: Nests in deep woods, preferably near swamps. Likes coniferous woods and evergreen thickets in parks and gardens. Range: Breeds from southeastern Alaska east across central Canada to Nova Scotia and south to southern California, Arizona, Illinois, the mountains of North Carolina and Connecticut. Winters in breeding range and south to Arkansas and North Carolina.