• Stitching Snow (Trade Paper) (not in pricelist)

    American Book Company

  • $14.64

  • Description

    Princess Snow is missing.

    Her home planet is filled with violence and corruption at the hands of King Matthias and his wife as they attempt to punish her captors. The king will stop at nothing to get his beloved daughter back-but that's assuming she wants to return at all.

    Essie has grown used to being cold. Temperatures on the planet Thanda are always sub-zero, and she fills her days with coding and repairs for the seven loyal drones that run the local mines.

    When a mysterious young man named Dane crash-lands near her home, Essie agrees to help the pilot repair his ship. But soon she realizes that Dane's arrival was far from accidental, and she's pulled into the heart of a war she's risked everything to avoid.

    In her enthralling debut, R. C. Lewis weaves the tale of a princess on the run from painful secrets . . . and a poisonous queen. With the galaxy's future-and her own-in jeopardy, Essie must choose who to trust in a fiery fight for survival.

    Praise for Stitching Snow

    "'Snow White' gets an upgrade in this clever, surprisingly gritty science-fiction version."
    -Kirkus Reviews

    "[A] gripping story with lots of moving parts and will likely appeal to fans of genre fiction."

    "This has strong appeal for sci-fi and fantasy lovers and fans of Marissa Meyer's 'Lunar Chronicles.'"
    -School Library Journal

    "In this interplanetary retelling of Snow White, debut author Lewis reveals a talent for worldbuilding and creating complex, memorable characters. As Essie owns up to her past and takes control of her fate, SF and fairytale fans alike will enjoy watching her beat the odds and find romance in the process."
    -Publishers Weekly

    "Essie's got the wit and strength to compete with any YA heroine, but it's her conflicted feelings toward her father and her willingness to finally save herself that make her memorable. This will certainly ease the wait for readers anxious for Meyer's next installment."
    -Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

    "Stitching Snow is a satisfying read for those who appreciate strong female protagonists embedded in plots of intrigue."

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