• Thermal-Aid Pink Bear

    CAVA Tv Products Inc.

  • $25.02

  • Description

    Today's parents opt whenever possible for natural solutions to their children's ailments. Thermal-Aid Bears make it easier to treat children when they need hot or cold therapeutic treatment. The pink bear can be heated in the microwave and cooled in the freezer and is made from 100% natural cotton and a heating/cooling element composed of a specially engineered corn. Unlike other natural packs, Thermal-Aid Bears are washable, which allows you to use the bear repeatedly. Whether your child uses it when they have the flu or sprain their ankle, you can wash it and keep using it without worrying about the spread of germs. This new, Thermal Aid Blue Bear is in the original box and in excellent condition. It's great to keep on hand for the bumps and bruises of childhood (and adulthood).

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